Police - where are they

Simple questionm maybe Jeff would like to respond.
Why do the Police turn a blind eye to the drunken clientele leaving the bars shouting and screaming whilst on there way home at 2 and 3 am in the morning?
I live a few roads away from the bars and am being subjected to unwanted noise and disturbance. What it must be like for those poor people who live near the bars, especially around the roudy Consum 2 area I dread to think.
It would also be nice to see the Police start breath testing some of these people who leave these bars in. the early hours.

La Marina

Your comments are noted. I will speak with the Chief of Police, early next week

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2012-03-09 16:37:17 UTC

This has been going on for over 7 months now. Yes the police had a visit to the grey area and consum. Nothing happens the police just wave them on. I'm on about the teenagers. All I hear is people shouting mouthing off and it's like it's accepted. I'm sorry someone will get Hurt, maybe hit. Y are car or even one of the teenagers coming off his bike when his out riding at 1 am. Then the police will do all they can to make a scene and to be seen there doing something. It's to late then. I took a good old slap from some boys when I was a youngster for being mouthy and so on it soon gr me changing my ways.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-09 18:48:26 UTC

In response to Andi
Walking past the Comsum area, I notice that some of the nice Villas opposite the Hogs Head are up for sale, I wonder if this is a case of home owners being driven out ???

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-03-10 10:57:36 UTC

All talk about Were are the Police
its maybe better wonder were are the parents to this kids

Commented elmirador.lamarina in La Marina 2012-03-10 16:26:48 UTC

I can answer that. These incidents occur on a Friday and Saturday night when most 15-16-17 year olds are out in the streets and parents at are the bars that I know. You will also findlay of these kids are no older than 15. I've had many a run ins with them by the grey area and what do you know the police do jack all. I'm sorry but if we can justify 15 odd paid councillors in a town that's half empty then you can justify public protection and increase the patrols on the streets. Not just once every 3 hours on a Friday or Saturday night.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-10 18:42:07 UTC

I blame the parents, but then in England you were not allowed to chastise your own children. I don't know what the law is in Spain? In my day we would have had a clip around the ear from our parents. It did not do us any harm and we knew our place. Nowdays its all the dogooders saying that poor little Johnny will be scarred for life if he does not get his own way.

Commented violet in San Fulgencio 2012-03-10 19:05:22 UTC

Walked my dog up by Poppies this morning between 7 & 8 o'clock and the music was bump,bump,bump. I don't know whether this had been going on all night. Outside a car was parked with the wing falling off where it looked as if it had been in an accident. Why is this allowed to happen?

Commented violet in San Fulgencio 2012-03-11 08:04:02 UTC

Andy... As for the bars that's none of my concern. Let me tell ou this. When kids are smashing street lights by the bars in the grey area ripping satalite dishes off the roof on soterin and setting fires in the grey area ad smashing up chairs tht belong to bars and this has been going on for months. Ohh not to forget throwing stones at a old couples house and the guy has had a stroke. This has been goin on every Friday and Saturday or months. So you think that is the everyday run of your mill teenagers well your so wrong. I've confronted them and they just mouth off. I don't believe we all done that as teenagers. Yes they are the same lot very Friday and Saturday. So as for moaning about them I think the moaning is more of something needs to be done about the teenagers.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-12 10:27:24 UTC

Hi Andy
You state:-
All the bars do everything asked of them to abide by the law, and obtain all the licences required.
Sorry, if they have sound proofing as required by law, then sorry I am in the wrong. If they don't, then the Polce need to close them down untill they do meet the legal requirements, and no, I do not have a bar on the urb.

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-03-12 13:17:45 UTC

Mr Golfer, If the police closed down all the bars that DONT have a MUSIC licence on the Urb,I think you would find yourself with about 3 bars to choose from as I believe thats about how many are legal with regard to music.
Is that what you really want? If so I take it you dont have any money invested here with regard to property etc. La Marina has been dying for the last couple of years and people with your attitude will do nothing to help the situation. The more people that leave the Urb the less services you will have here, including things like police and doctors..........is that what you want???

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2012-03-12 16:21:12 UTC

My husband only has the odd drink but when we go out I'm terrified that some drunk will run into us. I know people who drive nearly every night after having skinful. If I had any backbone I'd report them but I'm a wimp and I'm ashamed of it. Mea culpa x

Commented mazza in La Marina 2012-03-12 18:47:38 UTC

To Golfer & anyone else interested,
The Hog's Head categorically denies any conversation with the previous mayoress or the current mayor regarding our music licence.
Whoever has informed you of anything different is not correct & I would be grateful if you or anyone else would not suggest that we get preferential treatment, I have to abide by the law as do the other bars in the area.
I completely agree with the discussion that there are some teenagers that are causing noise & generally making trouble & these teenagers should be dealt with by the police, it is also my opinion that I believe it is completely ridiculous to issue 4am licenses to bars so close to residential areas, the teenagers in question are obviously obtaining alcohol either from home or local supermarkets & drinking irresponsibly before they arrive at the late license bars in which case this is social problem which the police & the town hall need to address.
We take care to ensure noise from our bar is as low as possible, we ensure when music is playing our double glassed windows & doors are closed, plus I regularly walk outside into the street & monitor the level of sound coming from my bar, we have listened very carefully to the town hall & police that visited our bar once last year & I have no problem in complying.

Commented Dell in La Marina 2012-03-12 18:56:43 UTC

Best thing to do is
If anyone sees these loitering
even not causing trouble, just keep
calling the Police as the Police themselves
will get fed up of the constant calling from
Then end of the day you can call the Police into
question if they are found to be doing nothing
about the problem

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-03-17 17:09:43 UTC

if anyone reports my daughter and her friends, when they are doing nothing wrong, YOU CAN NOT REPORT THEM WHEN THEY DO NOTHING WRONG.

I do agree that a minority of youths are causing a problem, but concentrate on them and bring them and there parents to account for there actions. and leave the innocent kids that are doing nothing wrong alone.

IAN from La Marina AD MIN says that Part of this Posting has been Deleted as it was of a threatening nature.

Will this person - Anonymous, please see the posting above Titled **PLEASE NOTE**

Commented andy in La Marina 2012-03-18 19:57:39 UTC

Thank you for your input Anonymous But you really need to re-read what myself and others are saying.
No one is talking about the innocent Youth !
But a certain group of individuals, in which you too seem to be aware of.

Regards to your I Can not !
Believe you me I can and will call the Police has I am not going to stand one side whilst this group of persons Target, Intimidate and Bully the Elderly

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-03-21 06:58:38 UTC

I am lucky in that I live far enough away from the busy areas not to be bothered too much about hooliganism,that seem to occur in those areas.I am wondering has anybody noticed any difference in police patrolling and controlling this type of action in the past couple of weeks.I personally hope the answer is positive,for the sake of people trying to live peacefully in these areas,if so and it continues,I think we can thank Jeff for getting things going.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-03-21 07:49:20 UTC

The same reason they turn a blind eye to the "people" who stand outside Elche hospital and in the main car park waiting for you to pay them to find you a parking place, and lo and behold you if you dont - your car gets damaged..the Police see this happening and couldnt give a damn

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2012-03-21 16:36:36 UTC

Oh I get it now
They are not guilty when they are doing nothing
But only when they are
So they are guilty of something
And they already have been seen doing plenty of something
And you agree that the trouble makers need to be dealt with.


Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-03-21 20:02:37 UTC